David W. Kaczka, PhD MD
- B.S, Boston University College of Engineering in Biomedical Engineering
- M.S, Boston University College of Engineering in Biomedical Engineering
- M.D, Boston University School of Medicine in Medicine
- Ph.D, Boston University College of Engineering in Biomedical Engineering
Training Program Affiliations
1990 - 2000
- Research Assistant, Biomedical Engineering, Boston University College of Engineering, Boston, MA
1997 - 1999
- Scientific Consultant, Nellcor Puritan Bennett, Carlsbad, CA
2000 - 2001
- Research Associate, Biomedical Engineering, Boston University College of Engineering, Boston, MA
2000 - 2001
- Intern, Internal Medicine, St. Vincent's Hospital, Worcester, MA
- Advanced Projects Intern, Wyle Life Sciences, Houston TX
2001 - 2003
- Assistant Resident, Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
2002 - Present
- United States Air Force Reservves, Medical Corps; current rank: Lt Colonel
2003 - 2004
- Fellowship, Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
2004 - Present
- Staff Anesthesiologist, Malcolm Frow Medical Center, Andrews AFB, MD
2004 - 2005
- Fellowship, Obstetric Anesthesia, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
2004 - 2009
- Assistant Professor, Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
2004 - 2009
- Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
2007 - 2008
- Director, Obstetric Anesthesia, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
- Visiting Assistant Professor of Anaesthesia, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
2010 - 2014
- Assistant Professor of Anaesthesia, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
2010 - 2014
- Staff Anesthesiologist, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA
2011 - 2013
- Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Boston University College of Engineering, Boston, MA
2014 - Present
- Associate Professor of Anesthesia, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
2015 - Present
- Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Radiology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
2016 - Present
- President and CEO, OscillaVent, Inc., Iowa City, Iowa
Academic Appointments, Professional Memberships, and Honors
1987 - 1990
- Dean's List all undergraduate semesters Boston University College of Engineering, Boston, MA
- Tau Beta Pi National Engineering Honor Society, Boston University College of Engineering, Boston, MA
- Graduate summa cum laude, Boston University College of Engineering, Boston, MA
- Whitaker Silver Medal Best Paper Award, IEEE North Bioengineering Conference, Hartford, CT
- Alpha Eta Mu Beta National Biomedical Engineering Society, Boston University, Boston, MA Vice President ad interim, 1996, Boston University Chapter
- Sigma Xi International Research Society
- Selected for externship in Aerospace Medicine, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Houston, TX
- Robert Slater, M.D. Award in Anesthesiology, Boston University, Boston, MD
- Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research Resident Scholar
- Honor Flight Gradute, US Air Force Officer Training School
2005 - Present
- Board Certification in Anesthesiology, American Board of Anesthesiology
- Ann Woolcock Memorial Award, American Thoracic Society
- Laasberg / Johnson Research Award, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
- Meritorious Service Medal, United States Air Force
- John Caffet Award for Best Science Research Paper, Society for Pediatric Radiology
2014 - 2015
- Lunsford Fellow in Critical Care Medicine, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
- Armed Forces Reserve Medal, United States Air Force
- National Defense Service Medal, United States Air Force
- Board Certification in Critical Care Medicine, American Board of Anesthesiology
Research Summary
My research interests focus on quantifying mechanical heterogeneity in diseases of the respiratory system, such as asthma, COPD, and acute lung injury. My lab relies on several advanced engineering techniques to quantify lung heterogeneity and optimize ventilation distribution, such as forced oscillation measurements of lung impedance, digital signal processing, image analysis, and computational modeling of respiratory mechanics.
- Herrmann J, Hoffman EA, Kaczka DW: Frequency-Selective Computed Tomography: Applications During Periodic Thoracic Motion. IEEE Trans Med Imaging 2017 Aug; 36(8):1722-1732
- D'Antini D, Huhle R, Herrmann J, Sulemanji DS, Oto J, Raimondo P, Mirabella L, Hemmes SNT, Schultz MJ, Pelosi P, Kaczka DW, Vidal Melo MF, Gama de Abreu M, Cinnella G; for the European Society of Anaesthesiology and the PROtective VEntilation Network: Respiratory System Mechanics During Low Versus High Positive End-Expiratory Pressure in Open Abdominal Surgery: A Substudy of PROVHILO Randomized Controlled Trial. Anesth Analg 2017 Jun; aheadofprint
- Herrmann J, Tawhai MH, Kaczka DW: Regional gas transport in the heterogeneous lung during oscillatory ventilation. J Appl Physiol (1985) 2016 Dec; 121(6):1306-1318
- Mondonedo JR, Herrmann J, McNeil JS, Kaczka DW: Comparison of pneumotachography and anemometery for flow measurement during mechanical ventilation with volatile anesthetics. J Clin Monit Comput 2016 Nov
- Amini R, Herrmann J, Kaczka DW: Intratidal Overdistention and Derecruitment in the Injured Lung: A Simulation Study. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 2017 Mar; 64(3):681-9
- Kaczka DW, Herrmann J, Zonneveld CE, Tingay DG, Lavizzari A, Noble PB, Pillow JJ: Multifrequency Oscillatory Ventilation in the Premature Lung: Effects on Gas Exchange, Mechanics, and Ventilation Distribution. Anesthesiology 2015 Oct; 123(6):1394-403
- Mondonedo JR, McNeil JS, Amin SD, Herrmann J, Simon BA, Kaczka DW : Volatile anesthetics and the treatment of severe bronchospasm: a concept of targeted delivery Drug Discov Today Dis Models 2015 Spring; 15:43-50
- Chitilian JV, Kaczka DW, Vidal Melo MF: Miller's Anesthesia, 8th edition Elsevier
- Pratt SD, Kaczka DW, Hess PE: In reply. Int J Obstet Anesth 2014 Jun; 23(3):286-7
- Pratt SD, Kaczka DW, Hess PE: Observational study of changes in epidural pressure and elastance during epidural blood patch in obstetric patients. Int J Obstet Anesth 2014 Mar; 23(2):144-50
- Bates JHT, Kaczka DW, Prisk GK: The Physiologic Measurement Handbook CRC Press
- Kaczka DW, Mitzner W, Brown RH: Effects of lung inflation on airway heterogeneity during histaminergic bronchoconstriction. J Appl Physiol (1985) 2013 Sep; 115(5):626-33
- Amini R, Kaczka DW: Impact of ventilation frequency and parenchymal stiffness on flow and pressure distribution in a canine lung model. Ann Biomed Eng 2013 Jul; 41(12):2699-711
- Fraser CD, Brady KM, Rhee CJ, Easley RB, Kibler K, Smielewski P, Czosnyka M, Kaczka DW, Andropoulos DB, Rusin C: The frequency response of cerebral autoregulation. J Appl Physiol (1985) 2013 Jul; 115(1):52-6
- Vidal Melo MF, Musch G, Kaczka DW: Pulmonary pathophysiology and lung mechanics in anesthesiology: a case-based overview. Anesthesiol Clin 2012 Oct; 30(4):759-84
- Brady KM, Easley RB, Kibler K, Kaczka DW, Andropoulos D, Fraser CD, Smielewski P, Czosnyka M, Adams GJ, Rhee CJ, Rusin CG: Positive end-expiratory pressure oscillation facilitates brain vascular reactivity monitoring. J Appl Physiol (1985) 2012 Sep; 113(9):1362-8
- Kaczka DW, Smallwood JL: Constant-phase descriptions of canine lung, chest wall, and total respiratory system viscoelasticity: effects of distending pressure. Respir Physiol Neurobiol 2012 Aug; 183(2):75-84
- Simon BA, Kaczka DW, Bankier AA, Parraga G: What can computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging tell us about ventilation? J Appl Physiol (1985) 2012 Aug; 113(4):647-57
- Kaczka DW, Simon BA, Thompson BT: Regional lung strain and inflammation. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2012 Jan; 185(2):228-9; author reply 229-30
- Kaczka DW, Dellaca RL: Oscillation mechanics of the respiratory system: applications to lung disease. Crit Rev Biomed Eng 2011 Oct; 39(4):337-59
- Kaczka DW, Bates JH: Pulmonary physiology. Preface. Crit Rev Biomed Eng 2011 Oct; 39(4):261-2
- Colletti AA, Amini R, Kaczka DW: Simulating ventilation distribution in heterogenous lung injury using a binary tree data structure. Comput Biol Med 2011 Aug; 41(10):936-45
- Brown RH, Kaczka DW, Fallano K, Shapiro S, Mitzner W: Individual canine airway response variability to a deep inspiration. Clin Med Insights Circ Respir Pulm Med 2011 Apr; 5:7-15
- Custer JW, Watson CM, Dwyer J, Kaczka DW, Simon BA, Easley RB: Critical evaluation of emergency stockpile ventilators in an in vitro model of pediatric lung injury. Pediatr Crit Care Med 2011 Feb; 12(6):e357-61
- Kaczka DW, Lutchen KR, Hantos Z: Emergent behavior of regional heterogeneity in the lung and its effects on respiratory impedance. J Appl Physiol (1985) 2011 Feb; 110(5):1473-81
- Kaczka DW, Colletti AA, Tawhai MH, Simon BA: Image-Based Computational Modeling of the Human Circulatory and Pulmonary Systems Springer
- Kaczka DW, Cao K, Christensen GE, Bates JH, Simon BA: Analysis of regional mechanics in canine lung injury using forced oscillations and 3D image registration. Ann Biomed Eng 2011 Dec; 39(3):1112-24
- Custer JW, Ahmed A, Kaczka DW, Mulreany DG, Hager DN, Simon BA, Easley RB: In vitro performance comparison of the Sensormedics 3100A and B high-frequency oscillatory ventilators. Pediatr Crit Care Med 2010 Nov; 12(4):e176-80
- Brown RH, Kaczka DW, Mitzner W: Effect of parenchymal stiffness on canine airway size with lung inflation. PLoS One 2010 May; 5(4):e10332
- Easley RB, Lancaster CT, Fuld MK, Custer JW, Hager DN, Kaczka DW, Simon BA: Total and regional lung volume changes during high-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) of the normal lung. Respir Physiol Neurobiol 2009 Jan; 165(1):54-60
- Kaczka DW, Brown RH, Mitzner W: Assessment of heterogeneous airway constriction in dogs: a structure-function analysis. J Appl Physiol (1985) 2008 Oct; 106(2):520-30
- Pauldine R, Beck G, Salinas J, Kaczka DW: Closed-loop strategies for patient care systems. J Trauma 2008 Apr; 64(4 Suppl):S289-94
- Bellardine Black CL, Hoffman AM, Tsai LW, Ingenito EP, Suki B, Kaczka DW, Simon BA, Lutchen KR: Impact of positive end-expiratory pressure during heterogeneous lung injury: insights from computed tomographic image functional modeling. Ann Biomed Eng 2008 Mar; 36(6):980-91
- Brown RH, Kaczka DW, Fallano K, Chen S, Mitzner W: Temporal variability in the responses of individual canine airways to methacholine. J Appl Physiol (1985) 2008 Mar; 104(5):1381-6
- Kaczka DW: "Lung impedance measurements are/are not more useful than simpler measurements of lung function in animal models of pulmonary disease". J Appl Physiol (1985) 2007 Dec; 103(5):1907; author reply 1909-10
- Kaczka DW, Massa CB, Simon BA: Reliability of estimating stochastic lung tissue heterogeneity from pulmonary impedance spectra: a forward-inverse modeling study. Ann Biomed Eng 2007 Jun; 35(10):1722-38
- Hager DN, Fessler HE, Kaczka DW, Shanholtz CB, Fuld MK, Simon BA, Brower RG: Tidal volume delivery during high-frequency oscillatory ventilation in adults with acute respiratory distress syndrome. Crit Care Med 2007 Apr; 35(6):1522-9
- Bellardine Black CL, Hoffman AM, Tsai LW, Ingenito EP, Suki B, Kaczka DW, Simon BA, Lutchen KR: Relationship between dynamic respiratory mechanics and disease heterogeneity in sheep lavage injury. Crit Care Med 2007 Jan; 35(3):870-8
- Hager DN, Fuld M, Kaczka DW, Fessler HE, Brower RG, Simon BA: Four methods of measuring tidal volume during high-frequency oscillatory ventilation. Crit Care Med 2006 Mar; 34(3):751-7
- Kaczka DW, Hager DN, Hawley ML, Simon BA: Quantifying mechanical heterogeneity in canine acute lung injury: impact of mean airway pressure. Anesthesiology 2005 Jul; 103(2):306-17
- Kaczka DW, Beck G: Mechanical ventilation in orbit: emphasis on closed-loop ventilation. Respir Care Clin N Am 2004 Oct; 10(3):369-400, vii
- Kaczka DW, Lutchen KR: Servo-controlled pneumatic pressure oscillator for respiratory impedance measurements and high-frequency ventilation. Ann Biomed Eng 2004 May; 32(4):596-608
- Lutchen KR, Jensen A, Atileh H, Kaczka DW, Israel E, Suki B, Ingenito EP: Airway constriction pattern is a central component of asthma severity: the role of deep inspirations. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2001 Jul; 164(2):207-15
- Kaczka DW, Ingenito EP, Body SC, Duffy SE, Mentzer SJ, DeCamp MM, Lutchen KR: Inspiratory lung impedance in COPD: effects of PEEP and immediate impact of lung volume reduction surgery. J Appl Physiol (1985) 2001 Apr; 90(5):1833-41
- Kaczka DW, Ingenito EP, Lutchen KR: Technique to determine inspiratory impedance during mechanical ventilation: implications for flow limited patients. Ann Biomed Eng 1999 Jun; 27(3):340-55
- Kaczka DW, Ingenito EP, Israel E, Lutchen KR: Airway and lung tissue mechanics in asthma. Effects of albuterol. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1999 Jan; 159(1):169-78
- Ingenito EP, Evans RB, Loring SH, Kaczka DW, Rodenhouse JD, Body SC, Sugarbaker DJ, Mentzer SJ, DeCamp MM, Reilly JJ: Relation between preoperative inspiratory lung resistance and the outcome of lung-volume-reduction surgery for emphysema. N Engl J Med 1998 Apr; 338(17):1181-5
- Kaczka DW, Ingenito EP, Suki B, Lutchen KR: Partitioning airway and lung tissue resistances in humans: effects of bronchoconstriction. J Appl Physiol (1985) 1997 May; 82(5):1531-41
- Kaczka DW, Barnas GM, Suki B, Lutchen KR: Assessment of time-domain analyses for estimation of low-frequency respiratory mechanical properties and impedance spectra. Ann Biomed Eng 1995 Mar; 23(2):135-51
- Barnas GM, Harinath P, Green MD, Suki B, Kaczka DW, Lutchen KR: Influence of waveform and analysis technique on lung and chest wall properties. Respir Physiol 1994 May; 96(2-3):331-44
- Lutchen KR, Suki B, Kaczka DW, Zhang Q, Hantos Z, Daroczy B, Petak F : Direct use of mechanical ventilation to measure respiratory mechanics associated with physiological breathing. Eur Resp Rev 1994; 4(19): 198-202
- Lutchen KR, Kaczka DW, Suki B, Barnas G, Cevenini G, Barbini P: Low-frequency respiratory mechanics using ventilator-driven forced oscillations. J Appl Physiol (1985) 1993 Dec; 75(6):2549-60
- Lutchen KR, Yang K, Kaczka DW, Suki B: Optimal ventilation waveforms for estimating low-frequency respiratory impedance. J Appl Physiol (1985) 1993 Jul; 75(1):478-88
- You can find the articles for each publication Here
Research Support
- 9/15/16-3/14/18
- DOD PR151761
- Dept. of Defense Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program
- Optimizing Ventilation Distribution and Gas Exchange in Combat-Related Lung Injury Using Multi-Frequency Oscillation
- This project seeks to extend the concept of MFOV to combat-related lung injury using computational modeling and experimental verification of improved gas exchange in a small animal model of ARDS.
- Role: Principal Investigator
- 2015-2019
- NIH/NHLBI 1R01HL126838
- "Defining the Role of Early Pulmonary Vascular Disease in COPD"
- This project evaluates the role of imaging-based measures of pulmonary vascular structure and function to identify smokers at risk of rapid emphysema progression and/or at risk of having frequent acute exacerbations of their COPD
- Role: Co-Investigator
- 2015
- "Design and Implementation of a Device for Multi-Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation in Patients. University if Iowa Faculty Innovators Program"
- The University of Iowa's Faculty Innovators Programs is a shortened 4-weeks version of Venture School designed to provide University faculty members with the opportunity to develop marketable ideas and accelerate the startup process.
- Role: Principal Investigator
- 2012-2017
- NIH 5R01HL112986
- "Multi-Center Structural & Functional Quantitative CT Pulmonary Phenotyping"
- This bioengineering research partnership takes advantage of emerging acquisition technique of multi-spectral computed tomography (dual energy CT: DECT), careful evaluation of dose lowering methods, and novel approaches to statistical cluster analysis to expand the biomarkers used in multi-center studies to identify sub-populations of lung disease.
- Role: Co-Investigator
- 7/1/12-6/30/15
- Multi-Project Cooperative Agreement Research Project
- EPVent-2 Mechanical ventilation directed by transpulmonary pressures in ALI-MCC
- Ventilator management and mechanical heterogeneity in acute lung injury
- This ancillary project seeks to directly evaluate the effects of EPVent protocol on lung recruitment and overdistension using gold standard CT imaging and state-of-the-art non- invasive oscillatory measurements of lung impedance to estimate mechanical heterogeneity.
- Role: Co-Investigator/Consultant
- 2/19/12-2/19/14
- NIH F32HL112547-01
- Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA for Individual Postdoctoral Fellows
- Optimizing Ventilation Distribution in Injured Lung Using Computational Modeling
- The goal of this project is to use computational modeling to determine optimal ventilation strategies in acute lung injury, based on complex, branching models of the lung incorporating mechanisms for heterogeneous overdistention and derecruitment.
- Role: Co-mentor
- 4/01/08-8/31/12
- NIH K08HL98227
- Career Development Award HL98227
- Optimizing Mechanical Ventilation in Acute Lung Injury
- The long term goal for this research is to optimize mechanical ventilation in patients with acute lung injury (ALI), to minimize ventilator associated lung injury (VALI). Appropriate tidal volumes and end-expiratory pressures will be determined based on oscillatory measurements of lung impedance, in order to quantify acinar recruitment and parenchymal overdistention.
- Role: Principal Investigator
Center, Program and Institute Affiliations
- Iowa Comprehensive Lung Imaging Center (I-CLIC)
- Iowa Institute for Biomedical Engineering (IIBI)