Junfeng Guo, PhD
- BE, Radiotechnics, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China
- MS, Communication and Electronics Systems, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China
- Phd, Image Processing and Recognition, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China
Academic Appointments
1995 - 1997
- Postdoctoral Investigator, Institute of Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China
1997 - 1998
- Associate Professor, Institute of Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China
1998 - 1999
- Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Electronics & Digital Signal Processing (ETRO), Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Brussel, Belgium
1999 - 2002
- Postdoctoral Research Scholar, Department of Radiology, University of Iowa College of Medicine, Iowa City, IA
2002 - PRES
- Associate Research Scientist, Department of Radiology, University of Iowa College of Medicine, Iowa City, IA
2010 - PRES
- Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Radiology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
2011 - PRES
- Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
- "Excellent Scientific Papers" was awarded by the Shanghai Association of Science and Technology
- Elected to the Senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Research Summary
Dr. Junfeng Guo, Ph.D. the director for Image Analysis and Integration in APPIL, is an Associate Research Scientist in the Department of Radiology. He has over 25 years of experience in medical image processing and analysis related research and software development. He is in charge of developing and maintaining the integrated research software PASS (Pulmonary Analysis Software Suite) utilized in APPIL, overseeing new algorithm development efforts coming from several engineering laboratories that collaborate with APPIL, and is responsible for the final cleaning and integration into PASS. His software has formed the basis for analysis of data for the National Emphysema Treatment Trial, MESA-lung, and many NIH studies carried out over the past 15 years in the laboratory.
Dr. Junfeng Guo, Ph.D. joined the Institute of Image Processing and Recognition of Xi'an Jiaotong University (Xi'an, China) as a Ph.D. candidate in 1991. He continued working on medical image processing after he was granted the Postdoctoral Investigator position in the Institute of Image Processing and Pattern Recognition of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Shanghai, China) in 1995. His efforts involved a series of related topics for 3D medical image processing. Various new methods for 3D image reconstruction, fast and realistic 3D display, and 3D Data operation were proposed. He integrated his works together and built a PC-based 3D medical image processing software with graphic user interface.
- J-F Guo, Y-L Cai, and Y-P Wang, "Morphology-based Interpolation for 3D Medical Image Reconstruction," Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, vol. 10, no.3, pp. 267-279, May-June 1995.
- J. Guo and Y. Cai, "Fast display method for rendering 3D multi-object image," Chinese Journal of Computer-aided Design and Computer Graphics, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 127-134, March 1996.
- J. Guo, P. Shi, and J. Li, "Object restoration method based on inverse problem of slice-integral," Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University, vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 39-43, 1997.
- J. Guo, Y. Cai, J. Li, and P. Shi, "A new method for constructing object from CT images," Journal of Image and Graphics, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 49-53, January 1998.
During his one year visiting at the Electronics and Digital Signal Processing Department of Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) (Brussel, Belgium), Dr. Junfeng Guo joined a research team working on brain MRI image analysis. He implemented a method that could effectively unfold the cerebral cortex to form a flat map of the brain's surface. The method was integrated into the TeDiMedIA (Tele-Diagnosis and Medical Image Analysis) software.
- J. Guo, A. Salomie, R. Deklerck, and J. Cornelis, "Rendering the unfolded cerebral cortex," Proceedings of Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI'99, Cambridge, England, 1999, pp. 287-296.
- R. Deklerck, J. Guo, A. Salomie, E. Nyssen, L. Tao, D. Baleriaux, and J. Cornelis, "A method to construct flat maps of the brain's surface and its application", International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 679-709, 2006.
After Dr. Junfeng Guo joined Dr. Eric A. Hoffman's lab in 1999, he started developing a comprehensive image analysis software package PASS (Pulmonary Analysis Software Suite). His software formed the basis for the analysis of data for the National Emphysema Treatment Trial, MESA-lung, and many NIH studies carried out over the past 15 years in the laboratory.
- J.M. Reinhardt, J. Guo, L. Zhang, D. Bilgen, S. Hu, R. Uppaluri, R.M. Long, O.I. Saba, G. McLennan, M. Sonka, and E.A. Hoffman, "Integrated system for objective assessment of global and regional lung structure," Proceedings of Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI2001, Utrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 1384-1385, 2001.
- J. Guo, J.M. Reinhardt, H. Kitaoka, L. Zhang, M. Sonka, G. McLennan, and E.A. Hoffman, "Integrated system for CT-based assessment of parenchymal lung disease," 2002 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Washington, DC, pp. 871-874, July 7-10, 2002.
- J. Guo, M.K. Fuld, S.K. Alford, J.M. Reinhardt, and E.A. Hoffman, Pulmonary Analsis Software Suite 9.0: Integrating quantitative measures of function with structural analysis. In M. Brown, etc., editors, First International Workshop on Pulmonary Imaging, pp. 283-292. 2008.
He integrated a 2D AMFM algorithm which was proposed by Dr. Renuka Uppaluri into the PASS package, and helped Dr. Ye Xu extend the method into a 3D environment. He joined Dr. Kevin Flaherty's research grant and proposed methods to further improve the existing methods (to be published).
- Y.Xu, Edwin JR VanBeek, Y. Hwanjo, J. Guo, G. McLennan, and E.A. Hoffman, "Computer-aided Classification of Interstitial Lung Disease via MDCT: 3D Adaptive Multiple Feature Method (3D AMFM)", Academic Radiolgy, vol. 13, no. 8: pp. 969-978, August 2006.
- Y. Xu, M. Sonka, G. McLennan, J. Guo, and E.A. Hoffman, "MDCT-based 3-D texture classification of emphysema and early smoking related lung pathologies", IEEE Transaction on Medical Image, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 464-475, April 2006.
- Y. Xu, Edwin JR VanBeek, M. Sonka, G McLennan, J. Guo, and E.A. Hoffman, "Effect of Mixing Scanner Types and Reconstruction Kernels on the Characterization of Lung Parenchymal Pathologies: Emphysema, Interstitial Pulmonary Fribrosis and Normal Non-Smokers", Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging, Volume: 6143-22, 2006.
- Y. Xu, M. Sonka, G. McLennan, J. Guo, and E.A. Hoffman, "Sensitivity and specificity of 3-D texture analysis of lung parenchyma is better than 2-D for discrimination of lung pathology in stage 0 COPD," Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging, vol. 5746, pp. 474-485, 2005.
He developed phantom analysis software that was used in many clinical trials. Many results from these clinical trials were published. The method itself will be published soon.
- J.P. Sieren, J.D. Newell, Jr., P.F. Judy, A. Lynch, K.S. Chan, J. Guo, and E.A. Hoffman, "Reference standard and statistical model for intersite and temporal comparisons of CT attenuation in a multicenter quantitative lung study", Medical Physics, vol. 39, no. 9: pp. 5757-67, September 2012.
- J.P. Sieren, E.A. Hoffman, M.K. Fuld, K.S. Chan, J. Guo, and J.D. Newell, Jr., "Sinogram Affirmed Iterative Reconstruction (SAFIRE) versus weighted filtered back projection (WFBP) effects on quantitative measure in the COPDGene 2 test object", Med Phys, vol. 41, no. 9, pp. 091910, September 2014.
- J.D. Newell, Jr., M.K. Fuld, T. Allmendinger, J.P. Sieren, K.S. Chan, J. Guo, and E.A. Hoffman, "Very low-dose (0.15 mGy) chest CT protocols using the COPDGene 2 test object and a third-generation dual-source CT scanner with corresponding third-generation iterative reconstruction software", Invest Radiol, vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 40-45, January 2015.
- J. Guo, C. Wang, K.S. Chan, D. Jin, P.K. Saha, J.P. Sieren, R.G. Barr, M.K. Han, E. Kazerooni, C.B. Cooper, D. Couper, J.D. Newell, Jr., and E.A. Hoffman, for the SPIROMICS Research Group.
"Improved Scanner Surveillance in a Multi-center Longitudinal Lung Study by Limiting Test-Object-Based Sources of Variability. The SubPopulations and InteRmediate Outcome Measures in COPD Study (SPIROMICS)", recently submitted to Med Phys.
Ongoing Research Support
- 2012/08/01-2016/12/31
- 5R01HL112986, NIH/NHLBI
- Hoffman, Eric(PI)
- Multi-Center Structural & Functional Quantitative CT Pulmonary Phenotyping
- This proposed bioengineering research partnership seeks to take advantage of the emerging acquisition technique of multi-spectral computed tomography (currently dual energy CT:DECT), careful evaluation of dose lowering methods, and novel approaches to statistical cluster analysis to expand the biomarkers used in multi-center studies to identify subpopulations of lung disease.
- Role: Co-Investigator
- 2015/04/15-2019/03/31
- 1R01HL126838, NIH/NHLBI
- Hoffman, Eric(PI)
- Defining the Role of Early Pulmonary Vascular Disease in COPD
- This project evaluates the role of imaging-based measures of pulmonary vascular structure and function to identify smokers at risk of rapid emphysema progression and/or at risk of having frequent acute exacerbations of their COPD.
- Role: Co-Investigator
Current Research Interests
- Lung Segmentation
- Tissue Classification
- Data Visualization
- Phantom Analysis
Center, Program and Institute Affiliations
- Institute for Clinical and Translational Science
- Iowa Comprehensive Lung Imaging Center (I-CLIC)
- Iowa Institute for Biomedical Engineering (IIBI)